First Week in Year 3!

Good Afternoon Everyone,

We have had an exciting week back this week at Allerton CE Primary. The pupils and I have been getting acquainted with one another and they have made such an effort this week considering it is only the first week back at school!

To get started this week, we have read through the story Kevin the Koala to explore what it feels like to come out of your shell, started thinking about what will be in store for us with our new Stone Age topic. Finally, we look at our class poem ‘Tell me a Dragon’ and have made a poem of our very own dragons! The pupils then drew up their dragons to bring them to life.

This week’s Incredibles are Declan, Leon, Jack, Murewa, Elika and Izzy. For showing kindness, being helpful and demonstrating exemplary behaviour. Well done to all of you!
Next week we will get our teeth (and tusks!) into our Stone Age topic and our rocks and fossils lesson in Science. Remember that our PE lessons will start from Monday, so make sure you come into school in your PE kits.

I can’t wait to see you all again for our first full week back at school.

Warmest regards,

Mr Arnett