
Today in our class, we looked at the famous finnish story of ‘Leminkainen’ which was led by the absolutely fantastic storyteller, Matthew Belwood. The children engaged in drama today, storytelling, used their listening skills and even made shadow puppets to put on a show.

Matthew led the children through a whole story world and journey and had the children act out various parts. I have uploaded several pictures to the blog now for your pleasure so you can see exactly what your pupils have been up to today.

This unfortunately led on quite a bit and meant that PE was left for today (perhaps best given the weather!). I will have the pupils come in their PE kit later on this week for their PE lesson. I will send out a parentmail about it later.

Ice Palace dance

Just before the half term ended, we finished off our Ice Palace book and to commemorate this, we decided to hold an Ice Palace dance.

This is something that the children worked on with our dance lead in the school, Miss Allison. The children were all very proud of their dance and frankly, so was I. They were very good!

If you don’t believe me then take a look yourselves as Miss Allison has finally processed the video and is now available for yourselves to watch on Youtube.


The Joy of Reading

At the end of last term, the children were able to finish their class novel ‘Ice Palace’ and get their teeth into a new book that we started just before breaking up for the holidays.

I cannot wait to see what the children have been reading over the holidays and what they will come as for World Book Day. We have made the up and coming celebration a big event and are pushing for the love of books and reading as much as possible giving how important it is.

Take a look at a few of these photos to see just how much the pupils in this class are getting into reading at school.

Let’s see what our little readers come as next term for the celebrations!

Shining a light on Science

This week we have been shining a light on Science, literally!

The children learned about reflective surfaces this week and have been learning also about light sources.

To help them consolidate their learning, they were given a task to do and had to become ACE scientists. They took a torch and investigated across the classroom which surfaces are reflective and which surfaces absorb light.

We discovered some surfaces can be a bit reflective and some can be really reflective!

Hopefully, they themselves can reflect on this weeks learning ready for next week.

Warm regards,

Mr Arnett

Spring into action!

Welcome back all! This has been a fantastic first few weeks back to school. The children have been getting into their new topics, recapping their learning and developing the skills that we have been looking at last term.

Along with looking at Light and Dark in Science, they have also become ACE geographers, learned to work together in their PSHE lessons and have learned new techniques in art to become ACE artists.

After seeing how well they have dived into their learning, I can’t wait to see how they will progress through this term as they spring back into action after Christmas.

Seeing their behaviour improve and watching them mature more as people has also been rewarding as their teacher. The jump from Y2 to Y3 is a big one. The work and expectations increase by quite a bit. So to see them take this on board and really come into their own has been heart-warming.

Have a look at the photos for the last few weeks and I am sure you will agree they have been having some wonderful learning experiences.

Warmest regards,

Mr Arnett

Reading in 3LA

Good Evening all,

These last few weeks we have been making a few improvements to our reading area and it is looking better and better every week!

While it has been a little difficult to get some things to make the reading area more comfortable, we’ve managed to make a few additions to the area. Much to the pupils amusement and enjoyment.

Reading is a big focus now in 3LA and anyway we can get the pupils engaged in their reading, at home and at school, will be fantastic. We are really pushing for the joy of reading in class right now.

Remember to ask your children lots of questions about the books they are reading and, as always, let them lose themselves in their books and stories!

As Dr. Seuss said:

“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.”

“You can find magic wherever you look. Sit back and relax, all you need is a book.”

ACE Historians and Scientists

For the last few weeks in 3LA, we have been looking at the construction of our bodies in Science and also the progression of the Bronze Age in History. Suffice to say, the pupils have been finding this interesting and they particularly enjoyed our new addition to the class, Steve the Skeleton.

They even helped him out by labelling is bones for him. How thoughtful!

Let’s wait and see what next week has in store for us!

No Pens Day

Last week, we celebrated No Pens Day in 3LA. This meant tat for the whole day, the kids did not touch or go near a pencil. All of our learning was verbal and through discussion and drama or crafting.

The children absolutely loved this and cannot wait to try this again.

Anti-Bullying Week

Last week was Anti-Bullying week here at Allerton Primary. We all had an open discussion about bullying, talked at length about what we can do to help ourselves and how to manage our own emotions.

Most children and adults today have at some point experienced bullying in some form. So education the children about what it entails today is really beneficial for their social development.

We led a march for Anti-Bullying and really made our voices heard!

TT Rockstars

This is an update post from our TT Rockstars event last week. As a celebration of competing in TT Rockstars challenges, we were able to dress up as rockstars and dress up we did!

We were all cool(er) for the day and the kids really enjoyed the freedom of expression it gave them.

We can wait to see what else our rockstars will be doing next!